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Dapto High School Achieves a 33% Drop in Water Use

“SUMS has significantly changed behaviour at Dapto High School. Awareness of water usage and regular discussion about consumption at the school has changed attitudes.

“SUMS has significantly changed behaviour at Dapto High School. Awareness of water usage and regular discussion about consumption at the school has changed attitudes. Today students report any drips, leaks and faulty cisterns to me. Students understand that ‘drips cost money’ and any money spent on wasted water cannot be spent in other areas of school life.”

“Since installing SUMS, we have been inspired to act. We have reduced our water usage by up to 33%, removed 1 out of every 2 bubblers (because it was impossible to stop the leaks) and replaced the bubblers with systems providing students with chilled tap water. Hydration is important for good learning and now the students bring in their own water bottles to be refilled at the tap.”

“We commenced this program with a base flow of 8.33 litres per minute due to an underground leak. Today, our base flow is down to 1.33L/min which is a major improvement. SUMS has helped us to reduce water usage and saved our school thousands of dollars in excess water charges.”

Andrew Fitzsimons, Principal, Dapto High School

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